Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
weekend, finally
I'm so TIRED! I'm so happy the weekend is almost here. I cherish Friday's so much, or just the weekend in general. I just watched "Lost" and I don't know what the hell was going on. I will be rewatching that online soon. I also watch Eli Stone but I don't feel like it right now.

On Monday I'm going to take the post office test. Wish me luck, well, actually I don't even know if I want to work at the post office. LOL, I'm taking it because it took them SIX PLUS FREAKIN' MONTHS to send me a time and date for the test when they initially told me they'd send me something in TWO WEEKS. Whatever, I'm gonna go anyway. What could it hurt. I just might get a better job, if nothing else.

I hope everyone is having a decent week. I sorta am, though not really. I just can't feel like I have time for anything. I don't want to do anything after work but watch TV or just sit on my bed and read. I can't even really muster energy during the weekend. I seriously need a vacation.

Actually, I am seriously, SERIOUSLY planning a vacation next year. I never go anywhere, ever and it' sad, lame and depressing. I need a break from the everyday and a break from Chicago. It's so pathetic to be as old as I am and haven't even been to someplace like Vegas or something. Sheesh! Pitiful. So, I am going to tell those around me who I'd like to come with me I'm planning this for sometime next year and stick to it.


I'll see you guys this weekend! WHEEEEEEE!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 9:06 PM   5 buffy fans
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Myspace Test
When I started blogging, gasp, some years ago, I TRULY loved it. Not that I don't still love it, but my somewhat decent sized handful of favorites have dwindled to about 8 or 9 nine, if that many. And yes, I still adore you and love that you still drop by, but I do miss some of my regulars who used to blog.

I never got into Myspace. I was way past adult when I started blogging and while most people see any of it-- blogging/myspace/facebook/etc. as the geeklovers paradise I saw blogging as more for all ages, for any reasons and saw places like Myspace and Facebook for more of the twentysomething and teen set. I know and heard of people who will troll myspace for HOURS everyday. ?????? I don't get it. I used to browse blogger, yes, I really did try and add new friends, and find other bloggers that I had interests in, but I still think that myspace fans are way more obsessive.

I have a friend at work who has found several other co workers on myspace. I just don't have the time or interest. I guess I really am old. BUT I thought about secretly putting up a my space page just to see if she could find it. She knows I'm a fan of Buffy and a lot of my interests.

I just wonder if she would get it. heheh. It would be pretty funny if she asked me one day if I had one because she thinks she found it. I told her I blog but I didn't give her my blog address, she didn't ask because she probably didn't think I wanted to give it out. I didn't, not really, but if she found it, cool, especially since I don't blog about my hellhole anymore.

Anyway, I just wanted to post something. Off to take my shower and watch "Lost" online.

Agggg! Where did the weekend go? I need a vacation!

Have a good week everyone!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 6:37 PM   3 buffy fans
Sunday, February 17, 2008
where did the weekend go?
I was SOOOOOO lazy this weekend. I only managed one load of laundry and cleaning up my bedroom floor, other than that I played video games and watched "Heroes" and "Alias" on DVD and when I wasn't doing that I was sleeping.

I can't believe it's back to work again. It's 9pm and I'm heading to bed. Yep, I'm an old lady that needs her sleep. I hope to work on my new, well, semi-new layout sometime this month or early next, maybe when I take a couple of days off. I'm tired of the picture on this layout.

I decided to put Gunn as in Charles Gunn as my avatar since that is where my profile name comes from. I was, well, still am, a Gunn fan. I shocked myself by not having Buffy and/or Angel in my profile name, they're ALWAYS in my profile name, but I was using Gunngirl for years before I started blogging and was too lazy to think of anything new. Okay, bored now? Okay, well have a nice week everyone, see you next Saturday.

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 9:03 PM   3 buffy fans
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine (or Anti-Valentine) Day!

Hey guys, I'm too tired to get into anything now, it's past my bedtime. But just wanted to pop in to say Happy Valentine's Day. Hope you have a good one, with yourself, your friends, wife, husband, lover, whoever. Just enjoy the day. IT'S NOT JUST FOR COUPLES! (even if Mickey and Minnie are there all lovey dovey) I'm speaking as a non-couple, so that's my rant. See you soon.


Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 10:19 PM   2 buffy fans
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Superbowl, what Superbowl?
As I am not a fan of football or any sports at all, I can still say that I at least make a showing for the Superbowl. Afterall, it is the freakin' Superbowl, but as my STUPID HORRID COUGH is back I have done nothing this weekend but live my by Vapor Steamer, eat cough drops and drink Robitussin. I can't believe I'm sick again and I hate it. I'm in no mood for Monday but will drag myself out anyway. I have half a mind to call in sick sometime this week anyway.

This weather is driving me crazy. The snow is insane and I am sick of it. I wish I didn't have the leave the house again until July.

I'm on my way to bed right now to watch "Alias" I am rewatching some of my fav TV shows from the beginning. I did it with Smallville and Angel and am doing it with Alias, I have nothing else to watch. LOL, but I am glad that Smallville and Supernatural is new and back.

I have a deep post in the back of my mind concerning a foster child my mom had once that I grew SERIOUSLY attached too. I really loved that little girl and I've been haunted lately by dreams of what she's doing and how she is because when she left our house I think she lost the little spark she had and I'm devastated that she never got it back. It's been keeping me up at night. But, that's a much longer post when I get better.

Anyway, I hope to see you guys this weekend. Enjoy your week! And I hope your team wins.

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 8:24 PM   5 buffy fans
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