Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Just another day
There hasn't been much going on with me. But I'm finally on Facebook! I am in the middle of figuring out how to set up and add to my page, but I'm on it now. So now I can be friends with my buddies. Louisiana and KingCover I"m looking at you. ;)

I'm still hurting over Michael Jackson. I listening to an interview he did with Steve Harvey back in 2002 and it was HIGHlarious. So great to hear Michael laughing and genuinely laughing. He felt and sounded so down to earth, not I didn't think he would be, but he felt like if you met him and had more than 15 minutes with him you'd be laughing and acting stupid before you knew it and you'd soon stop realizing that you were hanging out with Michael Jackson.

What I really liked about the interview was Steve praising him and thanking him and letting him know how much he meant to black people especially. I was so glad that MJ got to hear that.

What hurt a little was Steve was joking about burning down the tabloid building and MJ was like "We should do it" and about other people who pretend to be real but are fake, and I heard the hurt and anguish in his voice over that. It was sad, because when you can't disguise that shit in your voice you know you really feel that and I known he was always really hurt and angry over the media and the tabloid and you can only ignore so much. I can only imagine hearing or seeing that garbage every day. Just straight up bullshit that you KNOW are lies and people out there believe that shit.

Anyway, Happy soon to be Monday. Let's get this week over already.


Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 6:30 PM  
2 commentst:
  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger Phats said…

    are you watching SYTYCD? What did you think about Katie Holmes? I thought she was bad, and heard Nigel is ticked off at people for mocking her.

  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Kingcover said…

    Just to let you know that I am still in this part of cyberspace as well ;-)

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