Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Be cool
I finally bought an air conditioner, but now the weather has cooled down. Not to fret, I know it will soon be 90 degrees soon, but I'm enjoying the cooled down weather. I went to the Taste of Chicago on Friday. Of course it was crowded as all get out, but I still had fun. I even got to see
Cameo. A group I liked in the 80's for those who don't know. Very cool!

This is a short week this week, I don't have to work Friday. Yay! I'm trying to read some more, and don't even talk about writing. I only wish I focus and organize myself enough for that. One days soon, I'm getting on that.

I'm still on the Michael Jackson train. It will take me another week or so to get that a little better. It still hurts when I think about him. Poor Michael. I watched his videos on Vh1 and MTV all day Sat. Sniff. It does feel like I lost some of my childhood, I remember gluing myself to the TV for his premier videos. They were always events, with beginning and end credits, there were never anything like that before him. That's what I will remember, how he changed videos and pop music in general, and dancing. Like Elvis, people never saw movies like Michael. We couldn't get enough. I still can't get enough when I watch him.

I hope everyone enjoys their fourth of July. Enjoy the parades or stoking the Q's or whatever you do for the holiday. Happy Monday!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 9:13 PM  
3 commentst:
  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger Kingcover said…

    I was doing so well getting myself through this post and then BAM I get to the last paragraph and start making contortions with my face (lol) ... what does "stoking the Q's" mean???

  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger Gunngirl said…

    King--I was too lazy to write out bar-b-que, I wasn't sure I was spelling it right, so I said "stoking the Q" as in lighting the bar-b-que. Let's get cooking King!

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Kingcover said…

    Barbecue is always the way I saw it written until I started blogging and then I saw people writing it as 'bar-b-que' so I guess both ways are acceptable :-)

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