Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
All the same
Sadly, I have nothing new to report on my blog. Are my blogging days over? I was thinking about that a few days ago. Even as I mouth off about not wanting to quit blogging, I realize that I come here less and less. What I'd really like to do is start another website again.

I had a website that I managed YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS... okay, it wasn't that many yeas ago, but it was back in my Buffy days and my X-Files days, so it was some time ago. I, along with the rest of the masses, jumped on the bandwagon when the internet really started to take off and be used for the glorious uses of TV and movie fans getting together in chat rooms, forums and fan made websites, porn and email.

I was obsessed with having my own webpage, using photoshop and visiting other fan made pages. I started a site for Buffy (I was sadly somewhat editing software challenged in the days of The X-Files and didn't have a page for that) but I had a couple of websites for BtVS. I contributed to fanfiction and wrote many stories, even a novel length book involving characters from the show. Supergeek? Yes, that is me and I'm proud of it. *pumps fist* I AM NOT ALONE!

But as Buffy left and the X-Files left the airwaves so did the sites. It is depressing actually, to think of how the internet THRIVED with so many XF and Buffy sites. I mean, it was bustling and hustling and I sat there for hours upon hours gleefully enjoying every photo, every story, every fan comment. I loved it and I really do miss it. I have yet to find another show that makes me feel that way. I am still obsessed with XF and Buffy to this day and can't get enough.

I am currently so obsessed with the The X-Files I have gone back to some of those sites and found fan fiction to read. I stay on Youtube watching fan made videos and forums are my new best friend. I have noticed that my blog pals have stretched far and many have finally given up out to pasture. I miss them.

If I get a bit of time I will probably put a change to my blog, but I don't know. As for now I'll be around. See you guys later. If I don't get back this weekend have a great Memorial Day Holiday.

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 8:58 PM   4 buffy fans
Sunday, May 11, 2008
To my Mother and your Mother
Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all the Mother's enjoyed their day, and had a nice time. You deserve it! We love you!


Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 8:51 PM   0 buffy fans
Monday, May 05, 2008

I seriously have not had the enthusiam to blog. Have not the interest or anything even remotely good to blog about.

I am much better about Tracy than I was, though if I think about her too long here come the tears. I can talk about her without crying now, that's a good point. I am currently in a total and tunnel vision obsession about the new X-Files Movie I can barely think of anything else and have even been having dreams of Mulder and Scully. Geeky? Crazy? Obsessive? I'm three for three, but I like it. I like trolling the internet for info on the movie, reading what other fans have to say, and watching endless hours of videos on Youtube.

The movie isn't coming out until the end of the freakin' summer! July 25th. So, I have to fill my movie void until then. I'm a movie whore so that shouldn't be too hard to do.

I hope all of you guys are well. I have been so busy and lazy that I haven't been by in weeks. Sadly, I didn't even miss my blog at all. Though, I do plan on change the pics to reflect my current obsession--when I get a chance. The weekend is not enough! Those little two days are not long enough to do anything, to relax, clean up, have fun and just get some rest.

Oh well. Check you guys later. Happy Tuesday!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 8:25 PM   1 buffy fans
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