Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Long time no see
It's been a long while, and I knew I wouldn't post again until the weekend. My job is still rolling downhill, suprise, surprise, and I'm still looking but I'm trying not to lose my mind in the meantime. There are some aspects of the job I like, but then other times I just feel like I can't take it anymore and I dream of relief of the day that I don't have to do the work of three people in about fifteen minutes, just the amount of time they want you to do everything

On a much brighter note, "Apolo" came back into the office today. I was totally suprised, I didn't notice him at first. I was working and he came in and I was like, 'ohhh, hi!' and even better, he came and sat behind the desk next to me while he wrote out some stuff. He joked that he 'works here now' (I WISH!) I said 'we can always use an extra pair of hands.' He laughed, I laughed, it was a lovely moment. Yes, I'm crazy. Even crazier was I held the pen he used longer than normal. Gah! I'm losing it. The job has officially made my head crack.

Then he left out of the office and there's little hallway with elevators right outside the door and I thought to myself, he didn't even say goodbye. So, when he turned to the door I waved goodbye and he said 'I'm coming back. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye' hee hee, I said, 'Yeah, I was waiting for you to tell me bye' he smiled. hee, hee, tee, hee.

But the bad thing was that he came back and he needed a signature, but she was already gone, so then he was leaving and another guy was leaving and they were chatting and then I forgot I had some food in the fridge I was supposed to be taking home so I missed the ride down in the elevator with him. STUPID ME! Why didn't I just forget the pizza!? Ugh.

Oh well, he brighted my day and especially my Friday. Ahhh, he's such a hottie, but a cute hottie, you know? He's a cute-sexy if you know what I mean, especially since he's an Apolo-lookalike. Yum!

On a DVD note, I went a little crazy last week and bought six whole seasons of Seinfeld. Yes, I love Seinfeld that much. Season 7 just came out so I don't have that one yet. There's three more seasons to buy then I'm complete. We all need a little comedy in our lives.

Well, if I don't see you, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night! :)
Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 11:41 PM  
6 commentst:
  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    cute, sexy and a hottie I would loose all self control when he was around. ;)

    I love Seinfeld!!!

    BTW Miss GG your avatar is smoking hot!!!

  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger Catch said…

    Gg ya gotta get the hook up with about a drink after work?

  • At 9:03 PM, Blogger Lori's Minute said…

    I think Apollo likes you...maybe the whole reason you are in this job is to meet him!

  • At 10:48 PM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    i like the girl's ideas here...ask him out..he certainly cheers you up and pust a smile on your face. i can see it all the way up here, lol...good luck.

  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger Phats said…

    I recently just got season 8 of the simpsons! I can't wait til November to get season 1 of 90210. You can mock me for that just don't mock the West Bev kids! haha :)

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    Goood Morning GG!!

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