Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
One step closer to the weekend
Dare I blog at work....? I DARE! I have nothing to do. I finished a lot of work yesterday and this morning, and now I'm sitting here on the internet. Tee hee. My office manager (I'm going to have to give her a nickname that suits her) is gone to Vegas for a few days. Yea! So it's been peaceful and nice here. Today is Thursday and I can't wait for Friday!

Tonight I'm going with a friend to a movie, she has free movie passes. I don't even know what movie it is, I'll tell you tommorow.

Now, for my favorite news. My husband, er, Apolo Anton Ohno was on Dancing With the Stars Monday and did a damn fine job. Admittedly I didn't watch all of that crappy show to catch him. 2 damn hours!? I was trying to watch Prison Break. But I did catch him and saw him again thanks to

Their scores weren't nearly high enough, he deserved a 10 in my opinion. Okay, MAYBE a 9, but much higher than a 7. BASTARDS! Check them out if you wish.

How are you guys? I hope you're all okay. I will check you out this weekend. I'm back to playing The Sims. LOL. It's my entertainment. I'm lame, sue me! See you guys later.


Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 10:38 AM  
3 commentst:
  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Linda said…

    I hate it when they drag the show out to 2 hours. I think he should of atleast scored an 8 or 9 cause he did do good.
    Have fun at the movies and please tell us what you watched with a review. :)

  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger L said…

    Enjoy your movie and have a great weekend.

  • At 4:14 PM, Blogger paula said…

    I didn't get to see them dance last night - how did they do? I wonder who's going home tonight. I hope it is Billy Ray. *nod*

    I *heart* DwtS ;)

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