Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Yesterday I went to a "Buffy Marathon" for charity. It was for the Make a Wish foundation for a little girl who has a cancerous brain tumor. IT WAS THE BEST TIME EVER! Ahhh, to be surrounded by other Buffyphites and converse and just be our geeky, over-buffyzelous selves. Hee.

What we did was watch Buffy and Angel episodes, play Buffy related games and participate in auctions on Buffy related merchandise. There was a Buffy trivia game, (you played games according to a lighted bracelet you got when you came in) This girl, a sister, I have to add, won and got the Buffy Library as a prize. What an AWESOME prize. I wanted it. I dragged my sister and along with two other black girls (including the one who one the trivia game) we were the only 4 black people there. LOL, but it was nice that I'm not the only black obsessive Buffy fan. Ha!

There was food, two buffets throughout the event and you could order food and have them bring it to your table, soft drinks included. So many people came, it was awesome. A lot of people came ready for the day, you could sit at tables or camp out on the floor. There were plenty of people laid out on the floor with pillows, blankets, sleeping bags and other goodies. We took off our shoes and relaxed. It was so great to be among other Buffy fans, it was great. Did I say that already?

I will post the pictures I have. The link to the website is

I won an auction on a "Demon Giles" $27. There was a live auction with some very cool stuff, but only about three people were bidding big, well up to $150. Most stuff went for between $30 and $50 and the lady that was helping run it was getting visably frustrated that no one was bidding or bidding hight. I don't think many people came there to spend THAT much money. I gave a $20 donation any my sister gave $10. This guy in front of us gave $50 or $60, but I gave what I could afford.

At any rate, it was the best Saturday I had this year. I plan on being there next year. There were some adults there that were waaaaaaay nerdy. But I'll still hang out with Buffy fans any day, overly geeky or not. They're my people!

Enjoy your week guys!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 4:53 PM  
1 commentst:
  • At 7:36 PM, Blogger Gretchen said…

    Sounds like a wonderful time! I live in the middle of nowhere and had to drive three hours to hit the Harry Potter release party. We never have anything around here.

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