Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Summer Cleaning
I have decided to tackle the horror show that is my bedroom. It looks like an explosion of magazines, clothes, DVD's and papers happened. It's not pretty. Seriously, if I weren't so embarrassed I'd take pictures and post them for you to see. I'll do that when I get it a little cleaner. Heh.

I have a little mini vacation coming up and I'm looking forward to it. I plan on going to the Taste of Chicago. It's always fun times, and who doesn't love to eat? I have some other food pics to show you guys. I might have to start a food blog. Or some sort of Restaurant blog or something. LOL.

Oh well, I'm gonna get back to cleaning and watching "The 4400". (crosses fingers I come out alive) I have TWO giant garbage bags and you can't tell I even cleaned anything! Yes, it's that messy.

I will also update you later on my writing and a call to a Vet Tech Rep and tell you how that goes. We'll see.

Oh well, see you all later. I wish you all a great week.

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 4:21 PM  
2 commentst:
  • At 7:11 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    Yumm Yummm a food blog! Taste of Chicago sounds like fun!
    I guess I should let your post inspire me to takle the horror show that is in my bedroom. It needs a super duper extra cleaning soooo bad! :)

  • At 3:29 PM, Blogger Linda said…

    Hiya GG!! :)

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