Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
In reading in my...uh, I guess a sublet newspaper? Well, it's a small edition to the Chicago Tribune called RedEye. At any rate, it's a nice little informative, gossip paper and it's free. But there was an article about blogging/bloggers. And while they focused mostly on Myspace, the gist of the article was that too many people post things on the internet thinking that they can never be found.

Uh, uh, wrong! as Freddy Kruger once put it. They had a couple of people who lost jobs because of things they'd posted. It is also more common for employers to search you out online and check you out. A cop said that he trolls the internet in search of very bad things (child porn, etc) and finds plenty of stuff, mostly by, (shocking) teens.

And that's where my rant begins because most teens post willy nilly and don't think anything of it. There was some campus type blog that I forget the name of it and they said plenty of college age kids post there because you need a college email address and password to access it, so they're safe -- for now.

Still, the cop said he's found pics of teens drinking and commiting crimes and sexually explicit material.

To step on my soapbox so to speak, I don't think anything on the internet should be used against you. You lead a dominatrix life afterwork? Should it be held against you? No. I don't agree with that.

But when you post your doings on Myspace and Blogger or Diary or whatever else, you're inviting everyone in. Still, as long as you do your job and are professional at work it should be nobody's business.

I agree that certain jobs could be a problem. If you have to have lots of client contact or be very client friendly and someone may reconize you as the woman of the Panty Fetish Freak World blog and website, then it may cause a problem. People will think differently of you and may be turned off--or on.

Say you work with children. Hmm, may not be pretty. Then again, if no one can point out a time you've been unprofessional, as in leading the 10-year-olds through the Panty Fetish site, then they shouldn't have a problem with you.

Overall, I don't agree with having to answer for posts you've made today, yesterday or 20 years ago. BUT I understand how some professions can pose a problem.

I've been tempted to post my pic, but decided against it. Mainly because I don't have any pics of me I like, but also because, what's the point? And also some things I say are personal, some aren't, but on occasion I confess because I feel the need to confess, or vent or cry or whine and it's nice knowing that the people who comment aren't in my workplace or classroom and I don't know about it. I think that would irk me.

I used to write explicit fanfiction waaaay back in the day, yes it was all Buffy and Angel. It's still out there. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, but now I realize I wouldn't want my future employers picking it up. I'm going to delete the site and move it.

I think I've talked enough so I'll get off my soapbox. I just found this article interesting, especially since I blog. I also think that if your blog is just everyday blatter chatter you have nothing to worry about. But if you talk daily about how you're skimming the books at work, well....that's another story.

Be careful fellow bloggers! You never know who's reading.
Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 5:40 PM  
4 commentst:
  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger Linda said…

    Great post GG!! I was sitting reading and shaking my head in agreement to what you had to say.

    I skim money from hubby do you think he will fire me?? lol :)

  • At 5:14 AM, Blogger L said…

    Well said on your soap box!

    Hey send me that web site for the panty fetish LOL just kidding!

  • At 7:27 AM, Blogger Gunngirl said…

    BG--LOL, no you're supposed to skim from hubby. :)

    Lori--The scary thing is there's probably a site out there by that very name.

  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger exMI said…

    Peopel often forget that their parnets can find their blogs and read too. As can coworkers, bosses, and roommates which often leads to hostile conversations.

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