Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Monday, August 29, 2005
These are a few of my favorite things
Hey, I was tagged and didn't even know it. Yea me! I love these!

7 things I plan to do before I die:

1. Get married
2.Go to Europe, Paris first
3. Get to my goal weight
4. Get my finances in order
5. Finish my novel
6. Go on an African Safari
7. Learn a foreign language--fluently!

7 things I can do:

1. Explain the entire mythology of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Read Spanish but not speak it
3. Write
4. Remember song lyrics
5. Make collages in Photoshop
6. Type
7. Pick locks

7 things I can't do:

2. Speak a foreign language fluently
3. Play sports
4. Stop being so emotional
5. Not care about animals
6. Stop being a mommy's girl
7. Jog

7 things I'm attracted to in the opposite sex:

1. Sense of humor
2. Love of animals
3. warm eyes
4. Intelligent
5. Likes to cuddle
6. Doesn't want to grow up, but still knows when to be an adult
7. Love of movies and TV

7 things I say most often:

1. "Whatever"
2. "He's/She's talkin' crazy"
3. "That sucks"
4. "Like..."
5. "Seriously..."
6. "Sh*t"
7. "Dammit it all to hell!"

7 celebrity crushes:

1. Johnny Depp
2. Leonardo DiCaprio
3. Gwen Stefani
4. William Peterson (Grissom on CSI:)
5. Gary Dourdan (Warrick on CSI:)
6. Mekhi Phifer (Dr. Pratt on ER)
7. Gillian Anderson

7 people to take this quiz:

1. Ummm...
2. Er...
3. Oh, I know!
4. High Desert Diva
5. EnnuiHerself
6. PinksandRoses
7. Stephalupogus

That's all she wrote!
Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 12:58 PM  
5 commentst:
  • At 12:35 PM, Blogger Stephalupogus said…

    You realize that I am going to actually have to think if I answer these questions? I have not had to actually think since I took this job!

  • At 3:23 PM, Blogger LovelyBucket said…

    Okay, I get Warrick, but Grissom? I guess if intelligence equaled looks, he'd be a hottie. Ha ha. Good stuff.

    -The Bucket

  • At 6:38 PM, Blogger Susan said…

    I get Warrick and Grissom....both hotties

  • At 6:21 AM, Blogger Joe said…

    You can pick locks? That would certainly make my list of things I plan to (learn) before I die.

    As for the rest of the list, well, you're just talkin' crazy.

  • At 8:37 AM, Blogger Gunngirl said…

    I don't consider myself the Sam Fisher of lock picking, but it's come in handy. Hmm, one step closer to that covert op career.

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