Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Secrets and Lies, and more Lies
My sucky job has me losing sleep, having headaches and just plain being miserable. I'm sending out resumes like crazy and actually landed an interview.

But I've jumped on the lie wagon and told my boss that I possibly broke my foot, yes, I said that, to buy me some time during the week where I can job search AND just don't have to be there. He was real nice about me taking the time to 'take care of myself' so I felt a tad, TAD guilty, but, too late now.

I broke my foot last summer and still have my crutches and my walking boot, sans cast. I was going to lie later and say something like, oh it turned out it wasn't really broken, just sprained or something like that where I can where the boot to work and look like I was 3/4 telling the truth.

Now I can't believe I'm weaving all these tales, and just wish I didn't have too. I've quit before without having anything elese lined up and I just don't want to do that again.

When/if someone offers me something, I'm going to hit the door running. But I don't want to do the 2 weeks thing, and on a job forum I was on one girl suggested I just resign and make that day the day I quit and not torture myself any longer.

I agree with that, as I wouldn't want to stay an extra hour let alone 2 weeks. So, I'm looking for suggestions/opinions on the resigning thing. I planned on just handing him the letter at the beginning of whatever day I deciced to quit and say something like, 'I've decided to quit, (hand over letter), and I can finish out the day if you'd like.'

I haven't even been at the job 2 weeks, and know I didn't REALLY give it a chance, but the time I've been there I'm not even interested anymore in giving it a chance. Employment is all I want, so if I get something that I like, why not leave, right?

Since I've been there so little time, do you think it really matters if I, for example, gave him my resignation letter on Tuesday and quit on Tuesday? The thing is, I'd actually feel a little bad, but not bad enought to give them two weeks. I just don't want too. And I realized it's not worth it to just stay there just because it's eaiser to stay than leave.

If it's possible to get out of the situation, I must make myself happy.
Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 11:06 AM  
7 commentst:
  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger Stephalupogus said…

    I'd say, turn your letter in and walk out the door that day, ONLY I'm saying this as a manager and as someone who has done this. Also, I have asked professionals at various workshops what the standards are so that a persons rep is not smeared. Here's what I have used since.

    IF you have been at a position 6 months or less, it is not a mark against you if you turn in your resignation and leave that day, though finishing the week looks better.
    After 6 months, to a year, ask if they want you to stay and finish the week out, give a 1-2 week notice, etc.
    After a year, do the 2 week notice period. THAT's when it matters.
    But if you can get out in the next few weeks, be ready to run out the door as soon as you get the next job.

  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger Joe said…

    Speaking as an HR manager, a complete stranger, and someone that has no business commenting here, the only danger in not giving two weeks notice is the fact that they might give you a bad reference. That said, if you have something else lined up, the reference doesn't matter. It could hurt later on if you decide to leave your next job but tenure tends to be more important than anything else.

    Just my two cents.

    Erm...I'll shut up now.

  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger geekdarling said…

    it's only been 2 weeks, you don't need that reference...

    find something better and WALK!

  • At 9:47 AM, Blogger Gunngirl said…

    Thanks! The advice/suggestions help.

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Jess said…

    oh no! don't become me and start lying! it's such a bad habit!

  • At 11:12 AM, Blogger Susan said…

    IIF = Imaginary Internet Friend in case you were wondering.

    How long have you been in your current job? 2 weeks? If so try to give them the customary 2 weeks because you don't want to burn a bridge...

  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger EnnuiHerself said…

    I totally understand your desperation from being at a sucky job and I don't blame you for wanting to cut and run. But I would err on the side of caution and give at least some notice so you don't get on anyone's bad side. (You'll never know when you might have to work with these people again.)


    P.S. I moved my blog to Same thing, new name.

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