Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Friday, August 01, 2008
DANCE SUCKERS! (But watch the toes)

My summer obsession "So You Think You Can Dance" is coming to a close in a few short weeks. I'm a tv whore and would be nothing without it. Off topic for a moment, I see those commercials about giving up your Comcast or doing something idiotic and I think, if I had to give up TV period I'd curl up in a corner and mumble nonsense. So, speaking of TV...

I vote every week for SYTYCD and I was pretty sure I knew who would be in the final four. I was surprised by Courtney, but I realized she had danced too well and had been praised by the judges too much to get the boot, even if they weren't picking anymore. Then again, Chelsea pulled her own and got just as many praises so I'm not sure how the voting went there. But since all I cared about was Josh, Kate and Twitch I'm a happy camper. YES!


This snap shot is just so you can see my desktop pic. I get pulled into my obsessions quite fully and, as you may have noticed from Buffy, and with BtVS I will never let them go. I never let go of The X-Files either and am still proud to call myself and X-Phile. Nearly 20 years later I still feel the way I felt about the show then, so that's called impact. Thank you Chris Carter--for consuming my life for so many years! ;) I am still disappointed slightly in the movie, but it is growing no me and overall I did like it.

And just a side note, the first X-Files movie "Fight the Future" has fallen into obscurity and is now costing anywhere from $40 to $100 to buy. WHAT THE FUCK?! I love me some X-Files but I don't understand why the movie is hard to find now. Yes, if you search you can probably find it cheaper, but damn it, people are asking a lot for this movie and I don't understand that, and I don't understand why The X-Files? Did FOX/Paramount do something? Why pull the movie and make it a hard-to-find release? Strange phenomena indeed.

Aaaaaaand lastly, I have a habit of toenail picking. WAIT! it's not as gross as it sounds, okay, maybe it is. I will have a long toenail and instead of using clippers, I will start to pull and tear it and usually I can cut it like that, though it's the wrong way, but I do it. in the last couple of weeks I did that with my second to last toenail and pulled it so bad the nail bed is showing quite a bit and I think I got it infected. I'm trying everything to keep from going to the doctor, so I hope what I'm doing (massive daily cleanings, neosporin and bandaids) help it and the nail will grow back. Right now it looks like it was bleeding and the blood clotted as there is a very dark red spot on at the tip. Sigh, the things I do to myself.

I'm also THIS CLOSE to just buying a damn air conditioner. I always do this. I can get through okay without one until, say, the end of August then I just buy nothing because fall/winter is right around the corner and I feel stupid buying one. BUT I don't think I can wait anymore. I want one. We'll see....

Until next time...Have a great weekend!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 11:30 PM  
2 commentst:
  • At 5:48 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    I love love SYTYCD!! Kate and Josh my favs!!

    Buy the air!!
    Have a great weekend! :)

  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger Phats said…

    you and I would get along great, who the hell would give up TV!?

    As for SYTYCD I can't WAIT for tonights finale. I love see the best routines again with no pressure on them at all. My favorite is Katee she is who I voted for, but would be happy with Joshua winning too. Twitch started to get on my nerves abit towards the end, stealing Ruben's 205 tshirt gimmick. I was disappointed that Chelsea was NOT in the final 4 I thought she was better than courtney. I will be sad that this over :(

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