Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Resident Evil is Coming
Anyone who reads my blog on an fairly decent basis knows I'm a gamer. Probably will be in my 80's. Heh. I can't want for the next Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 5, to come out. CANNOT WAIT!

I took this quiz in my spare moments. Won't mean anything to you, but had to give out some RE love. ;) Hope everyone had a great weekend!

You scored as Claire Redfield, Excelling in self-confidence and determination, Claire is deceivingly innocent looking. Yet she comes equipped with survival instincts and a few underground talents like lock picking. She has a strong bond to her brother and is has been greatly concerned for his sudden disappearance. Claire doesn't know what her limits are in daring to find the truth. Nor does she know if she has such limits.

Claire Redfield


Leon Scott Kennedy


Carlos Olivera




Jill Valentine


Billy Cohen


Chris Redfield


Albert Wesker


Barry Burton


Ada Wong


Rebecca Chambers


Which Resident Evil Character Are You??
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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 12:16 AM  
4 commentst:
  • At 7:15 AM, Blogger EnnuiHerself said…

    Besides, they shouldn't be looking at it that hard anyway. just get to work!

    Bwahahaha! Your comment on my "vagina" post is one of the funniest things I've ever read! Thanks for making me laugh this morning!

    Although, I don't know jack squat about Resident Evil, I took the little quiz. I tied for "Leon Scott Kennedy" and "Claire Redfield" (83% each) closely followed by "Jill Valentine" (75%). Hope that means something to you.

  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger Susan said…

    I'm not a resident evil fan but I'm a huge fan of guitar hero.

  • At 7:34 PM, Blogger Gunngirl said…

    Glitter--Guitar Hero kicks ass. I can only play up to medium though, when it gets to 5 buttons. I'm out. lol

  • At 4:23 AM, Blogger Kingcover said…

    I have no clue about what this game is but I took the test anyway. Are you proud of me lol ......

    You scored as a Leon Scott Kennedy
    Though seemingly naive, Leon is far from it. He has a strong grasp on the situation even when others' cooperation is not in his favor. All this resolute individual wants is to offer safety to those in his presence. Beyond this his courageous deeds will earn respect and a debt of gratitude to all he helps.

    Leon Scott Kennedy 92%

    Carlos Olivera 83%

    HUNK 83%

    Barry Burton 75%

    Rebecca Chambers 75%

    Chris Redfield 67%

    Claire Redfield 67%

    Jill Valentine 67%

    Ada Wong 33%

    Billy Cohen 25%

    Albert Wesker 25%

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