Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas came, it came just the same

Well, I am sure that kids everywhere were up an hour ago (I'm up typing this at 3:27 am) freaking out over their Wii's and High School Musical Tour buses, and Xbox 360's and Barbies and remote control cars. I remember toys on Christmas. I cetainly remember Christmas day. I COULD NOT WAIT to open gifts, and I remember unwrapping and seeing all the stuff and just toys, toys, toys! I remember wanting to believe in Santa, and for a short while ACTUALLY literally believing that he existed and wanting to keep that alive (for some reason).

I wish I had kids now just for that reason. But as I got older I enjoyed more giving than receiving (though receiving is still very, very good) but I came to realize that to really enjoy what I receive I have to buy it myself. Not to say that I don't get some decent gifts, but sometimes I have to draw blueprints and get all Splinter cell with tracking chips for the person to actually get the gift right. Sometimes not even worth it, I'll just buy it myself. Still, I do like giving and seeing the persons face light up when they open it and I REALLY know they wanted it. It's just great to see them unwrapping and not being able to tell what the package is and then, WOW! They can't believe it. I like them having no idea what it could be. heehee.
I looked at my favorite Christmas cartoon "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" I love it, so I'm happy about that too. See, it doesn't take much to make me happy. I keep telling people!

I guess that is the joys (and miseries) of getting older. I still get a bit giddy, but just a tad. I still love Christmas but it's a little sad that I can't get that childish glee like I used too. Oh well. I DO get it when I buy for myself so I believe that counts. At any rate, I just wanted to pop on to tell you guys Merry Christmas. I'm gonna make my rounds to you guys tomorrow, so clean up, put out the good linen and some snacks--I'm be hungry. But we can sit and have a nice chat, it's Christmas after all. I do not have my Christmas Poem like I had before, but I still plan on (for real this time) doing something different with my blog.

Again, I miss having my good handful of usual readers. I miss that very much, but I still think I want to change my blog, if not for anyone but myself. Tidy it and dare I say, change it from Buffy. (!) Could be, could be. Well, I hope you all enjoy your day, however you spend it. That is what counts!

Christmas Graphics


Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 3:46 AM  
1 commentst:
  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger Kingcover said…

    Yeah I know what you mean with having kids to enjoy Christmas with. It's always a lot more fun when seen through the eyes of a child. To watch their little faces light up and see them running around and tripping over the discarded gift paper and doing a face plant into the carpet. Hehehehe I'm evil :-P

    Hoping you had a great day yesterday. It's always good to give and receive :-)

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