Must Be Tuesday
Chatter from A to Z with a special place for Buffy, Angel and Apolo Anton Ohno.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Let the games begin!

I just wanted to toss out my Olympic pride. Of course, this is the Summer Olympics, so there will be no daily tabs on my sweetheart Apolo, However, I'm all about swimming, track and field and gymnastics. So beware. I might even take in some water polo and some vollyball. Whoo.

In my reading ventures I'm currently reading "Twilight" and for about the first 100 pages I was not impressed. A friend at work is a fiend for this series and she talked about it so, and it DOES involve Vampires so it didn't take me long to get into it. She let me borrow her copy to read and I was reading it and thought, you know what, I could have written this. Which makes me even more ashamed that I haven't sat my ass down and finished a damn novel because this chick? Yes, I said chick, became a best seller with an idea that was already out there in the name of my favorite show ever: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER!

But I will give her her forbidden teen romance, I'm all about that and angst and dire love and all that, but the writing, the dialouge was hideous for a lot of it. Nothing new, nothing really that interesting either. I could have done better. Now, I don't know how "Bella" the protagonist is going to be after I finish but she's not much now. I like her though, but the writer seems to have her possessed or even hypnotized by "Edward." She can barely blink when she's around him and all she does is talk about his ethereal beauty. Enough! I love lovely vampires, but c'mon!

I actually like them together and it has gotten better now that there is more of them together, but I don't know how the writer wants us to feel about them both. Can Bella think for herself? Is she under some spell? Is she seriously considering vampirism to be with this guy for eternity? What does that teach girls about love? I want Bella to have a backbone, but I just want her to like the guy but not be bespelled by him. It takes me out of the story a bit.

It's like she can't make a decision because his beauty, his otherworldliness has a hold of her. I don't like that. That means there is nothing of substance between them. She loves him, yes, he's nice to her and I like that he has this fierce, almost murderous protectiveness for her but it still says nothing about her.

Just give me Buffy and Angel is all I have to say. :)

Well, I will leave you all to your weekend and enjoy it. Watch a little Olympics please. Must support the team! USA, USA, USA!

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Gunngirl believed The Truth is still Out There at 8:41 PM  
3 commentst:
  • At 7:18 AM, Blogger EnnuiHerself said…

    Olympics, w00t!! I'm watching women's volleyball right now.

    USA, USA

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    Olympics are turned on here!! We enjoyed watching the swimming yesterday. :)

  • At 1:27 PM, Blogger Kingcover said…

    Yayyy for the Olympics! I haven't been able to catch as much of it as I normally would because I'm been so busy the last few days but I definitely plan on catching the track and field events next week (or THIS week now considering it's Sunday now, lol). Really looking forward to the 100m sprint and the 110m hurdles events :-)
    HA! The first "USA" you typed I didn't notice the "S" in it so I thought for a second that you were supporting the United Arab (Emirates) team. I'm allowed to be dumb sometimes so back off and leave me alone! ;-)

    p.s. I sent you an email a little while ago in reply to your comment on my latest post. Hopefully you'll receive it.

    Go USA
    Go UK
    Go UAE

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